About the Miami Book Fair Emerging Writer Fellowship Programs

Miami Book Fair’s Emerging Writer Fellowships program offers a life-changing experience to fresh literary voices. Through the generous sponsorship of the Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation at the Miami Foundation and the Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation, we are beginning the third cycle to select three program recipients who will enjoy critical mentorship from a nationally established author in their respective genre, as well as a host of other strategic supports.

EWF supports developing writers who demonstrate exceptional talent and promise by providing them with time, space, and an intellectually and culturally rich artistic community. The program’s goal is to actively support these writers – who are working to complete a book-length project within a year – and help them launch their literary careers. Emerging Writer fellows are granted professional experience in arts administration, teaching creative writing, and other opportunities; a $50,000 stipend; and strong literary community support to allow for 12 glorious months of uninterrupted time to craft their works.

Beca de Escritores Emergentes – Propuesta para ficción en español

Materiales necesarios para la aplicación

  • Propuesta del manuscrito en curso
  • Declaración de necesidad: por qué es importante para Ud. recibir esta beca.
  • Muestra del manuscrito en curso
  • CV
  • Cartas de recomendación (2)


Instrucciones para el envío de la aplicación

 La convocatoria estará abierta a partir del 1 de febrero de 2024, hasta las 23:59 EST del 15 de Mayo de 2024. La aplicación es gratuita. No se aceptarán aplicaciones después de las 23:59 EST del 15 de Mayo de 2024.

  • El solicitante puede postularse solo una vez por ciclo de presentación, independientemente del género de la obra.
  • Solo se aceptan envíos on line a través de nuestra plataforma, Submittable. Los solicitantes pueden verificar la recepción de sus manuscritos entrando a Submittable.
  • Miami Book Fair no asume ninguna responsabilidad por los manuscritos no recibidos debido a un error del usuario. Por lo tanto, le recomendamos enviar su solicitud con tiempo suficiente.
  • La aplicación no tiene ningún costo.
  • Además del cover page de Submittable, no debe haber información que identifique al solicitante en ninguno de los materiales enviados.
  • No son elegibles la no ficción académica, las traducciones, las narrativas gráficas, la literatura infantil y la literatura juvenil (ni grados intermedios ni adultos jóvenes)..

Instrucciones de formato

Los archivos aceptados son PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF. No debe haber ninguna información que identifique al solicitante. Cualquier aplicación que no cumpla con este formato estricto será descalificada inmediatamente. El archivo (file) de la solicitud debe incluir:

  • Declaración de necesidad: por qué es importante para Ud. recibir esta beca. Cómo nombrar el documento: [DECLARACIÓN_TÍTULO DEL MANUSCRITO].doc. Ejemplo: Declaración_LasAventuras.doc
  • Propuesta para completar un manuscrito en curso que sea factible concluir dentro del      año que dura la beca. Debe incluir la sinopsis del proyecto tener máximo una página a espacio simple. Cómo nombrar el documento:  [PROPUESTA _TÍTULO DEL MANUSCRITO].doc (ejemplo: Propuesta_ LasAventuras.doc)
  • Muestra de manuscrito (paginado, con el  título del manuscrito en el encabezado): 50 a 70 páginas en Times New Roman, a doble espacio, con márgenes de una pulgada. Asegúrese de NO INCLUIR información personal (como su nombre y apellido). Cómo nombrar el documento: [MANUSCRITO_TÍTULO DEL MANUSCRITO].doc. Ejemplo: Manuscrito_LasAventuras.doc
  • CV  (educación, experiencia profesional, lista de publicaciones, honores y premios, etc.) Cómo nombrar el documento [APELLIDO]_[NOMBRE]_CV.doc. Ejemplo: Salcedo_Juana_CV.doc)


El solicitante también debe solicitar que se submitan online o envíen por correo electrónico dos (2) cartas de recomendación dirigidas a Ismery Pavon (Ipavon@mdc.edu) dentro de los siete (7) días calendario posteriores a la fecha límite de la solicitud.

  • Las cartas de recomendación deben incluir información relevante a la escritura, dedicación, destrezas y habilidades relevantes para la escritura, la ética de trabajo y la capacidad del solicitante para relacionarse con la comunidad.
  • Las cartas de recomendación pueden incluir profesores universitarios, mentores y cualquier persona que pueda hablar de la escritura, la ética de trabajo, las habilidades y la participación comunitaria del solicitante.
  • Los solicitantes deben proporcionar el email de Ismery Pavon (Ipavon@mdc.edu)  o el  link siguiente a los recomendadores, para que puedan enviar directamente su carta de recomendación antes del la fecha limite:


 Los concursos de becas de la Feria del Libro de Miami adhieren al Código de Ética de Concursos del Consejo de Prensa y Revistas Literarias (CLMP, sigla en inglés), como se establece a continuación.

“La comunidad de editores literarios independientes del CLMP considera que los concursos éticos están al servicio de nuestro objetivo común: conectar a escritores y lectores mediante la publicación de textos excepcionales. Creemos que la intención de actuar de forma ética, la claridad de las pautas y la transparencia del proceso son la base de un concurso ético. Con ese fin, acordamos 1) realizar nuestros concursos de la manera más ética posible y tomar medidas ante cualquier comportamiento poco ético por parte de nuestros lectores, jueces o editores; 2) proporcionar pautas de concurso claras y específicas, que aclaren cualquier conflicto de intereses para todas las partes involucradas; y 3) poner a disposición del público el funcionamiento de nuestro proceso de selección. Este Código reconoce que los diferentes modelos de concursos producen resultados distintos, pero que cada modelo se puede ejecutar de manera ética. Hemos adoptado este Código para reforzar nuestra integridad y dedicación como comunidad editorial y para garantizar que nuestros concursos contribuyan a crear un patrimonio literario vibrante”.

La Feria del Libro de Miami utiliza un proceso de evaluación por pares de doble ciego. Los evaluadores no saben los nombres de los autores de las presentaciones que revisan, y cada manuscrito es leído dos veces por dos evaluadores diferentes en tres niveles, antes de que la lista de finalistas llegue al jurado.

Los evaluadores tienen las calificaciones necesarias para revisar los manuscritos. Cada uno debe demostrar una formación profesional en redacción y edición. La Feria del Libro de Miami también revisa las credenciales de los evaluadores y se decanta por profesionales que hayan tenido experiencias similares previas como evaluadores y jueces de otros concursos de escritura.

¡Esperamos leer tu trabajo!

Emerging Writer Fellowship Submission for Fiction

List of Application Materials Needed

  • Proposal for manuscript-in-progress
  • Statement of need
  • Manuscript sample
  • CV
  • Recommendation letters (2)

Submission Guidelines
 Manuscripts may be submitted starting February  1, 2024, until 11:59 p.m. EST on May 15, 2024. The submission is free. No submissions will be accepted after 11:59 p.m. EST on May 15, 2024. 

  • Applicant may apply only once per submission cycle, regardless of genre.
  • Only online submissions are accepted through our submission manager, Submittable. Applicants may verify the receipt of their manuscripts by logging into Submittable.
  • Miami Book Fair assumes no responsibility for manuscripts not received due to user error. Therefore, we encourage you to submit your application early.
  • There is no fee to apply.
  • Aside from the Submittable Cover Page, there should be no identifying information in any of the submitted materials.
  • Academic Nonfiction, Translations, Graphic Narratives, Children’s Literature and Young People’s Literature (including Middle Grade and Young Adult), and Film or Play Scripts are not eligible.

 The following materials must be submitted (acceptable files are PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF). There should be no identifying information in any of these materials. Any applications that do not comply with this strict formatting will be immediately disqualified. Application file must include:

  • Proposal to complete a manuscript-in-progress that can be feasibly completed within the year-long fellowship (not to exceed one single-spaced page). Must include synopsis of project. Name the document [PROPOSAL_GENRE_MANUSCRIPT_TITLE]. (example: Proposal_Fiction_Beloved)
  • Statement of need: Tell us why it is important that you receive this fellowship now. Name the document [STATEMENT_GENRE_MANUSCRIPT_TITLE]. (example: Statement_Fiction_Beloved)
  • Sample of manuscript-in-progress (paginated, and with running title of manuscript in header - same as manuscript title listed above): Be sure NOT to include personal identifier in your submission (i.e. First or Last Name).
  • Prose: 50-70 pages in Times New Roman, double-spaced, with one-inch margins.
  • Name the document [GENRE_MANUSCRIPT_TITLE].doc (example: Fiction_Beloved.doc)
  • CV (education, professional experience, full publication list, honors and awards, etc.). Name the document [LASTNAME]_[FIRSTNAME]_CV.doc (example: Smith_Jane_CV.doc)

 Applicant must also request that two (2) recommendation letters be submitted online or emailed to Ismery Pavon at ipavon@mdc.edu within seven (7) calendar days after the application deadline.

  • Letters of recommendations should include information relevant to writing, dedication, any relevant strengths, and skills regarding the applicant’s writing, work ethic, and ability to engage with the community.
  • Letters of recommendations can include college professors, mentors, and anyone who can speak for the applicant’s writing, work ethic, skills, and community involvement.
  • Applicants should provide this link to recommenders so they can directly upload their recommendation letter by the deadline:  


 Miami Book Fair’s Fellowship contests adhere to the Council of Literary Magazines & Presses Contest Code of Ethics as stated below.

  “CLMP’s community of independent literary publishers believes that ethical contests serve our shared goal: to connect writers and readers by publishing exceptional writing. We believe that intent to act ethically, clarity of guidelines, and transparency of process form the foundation of an ethical contest. To that end, we agree to 1) conduct our contests as ethically as possible and to address any unethical behavior on the part of our readers, judges, or editors; 2) to provide clear and specific contest guidelines—defining conflict of interest for all parties involved; and 3) to make the mechanics of our selection process available to the public. This Code recognizes that different contest models produce different results, but that each model can be run ethically. We have adopted this Code to reinforce our integrity and dedication as a publishing community and to ensure that our contests contribute to a vibrant literary heritage.”

 The Miami Book Fair utilizes a double blind review process. Screeners do not know the names of the authors of the submissions they review and each entry is read twice by two different screeners at three levels before the finalists are forwarded to judge for the Fellowship.

 The screeners are well-qualified to review the manuscripts. Each must demonstrate a professional background in writing and editing. Miami Book Fair also reviews screeners’ credentials and prefers screeners who have participated as screeners and judges of other writing contests.

  We look forward to reading your work!

Emerging Writer Fellowship Submission for Nonfiction

List of Application Materials Needed

  • Proposal for manuscript-in-progress
  • Statement of need
  • Manuscript sample
  • CV
  • Recommendation letters (2)

Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts may be submitted starting February 1, 2024, until 11:59 p.m. EST on May 15, 2024. The submission is free. No submissions will be accepted after 11:59 p.m. EST on May 15, 2024.

  • Applicant may apply only once per submission cycle, regardless of genre.
  • Only online submissions are accepted through our submission manager, Submittable. Applicants may verify the receipt of their manuscripts by logging into Submittable.
  • Miami Book Fair assumes no responsibility for manuscripts not received due to user error. Therefore, we encourage you to submit your application early.
  • There is no fee to apply.
  • Aside from the Submittable Cover Page, there should be no identifying information in any of the submitted materials.
  • Academic Nonfiction, Translations, Graphic Narratives, Children’s Literature and      Young People’s Literature (including Middle Grade and Young Adult), and Film or Play Scripts are not eligible.

The following materials must be submitted (acceptable files are PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF). There should be no identifying information in any of these materials. Any applications that do not comply with this strict formatting will be immediately disqualified. Application file must include:

  • Proposal to complete a manuscript-in-progress that can be feasibly completed within the year-long fellowship (not to exceed one single-spaced page). Must include synopsis of project. Name the document [PROPOSAL_GENRE_MANUSCRIPT_TITLE]. (example: Proposal_Nonfiction_Beloved)
  • Statement of need: Tell us why it is important that you receive this fellowship now. Name the document [STATEMENT_GENRE_MANUSCRIPT_TITLE]. (example: Statement_Nonfiction_Beloved)
  • Sample of manuscript-in-progress (paginated, and with running title of manuscript in header - same as manuscript title listed above): Be sure NOT to include personal identifier in your submission (i.e. First or Last Name).
  • Prose: 50-70 pages in Times New Roman, double-spaced, with one-inch margins.
  • Name the document [GENRE_MANUSCRIPT_TITLE].doc (example: Nonfiction_Beloved.doc)
  • CV (education, professional experience, full publication list, honors and awards, etc.). Name the document [LASTNAME]_[FIRSTNAME]_CV.doc (example: Smith_Jane_CV.doc)

Applicant must also request that two (2) recommendation letters be submitted online or emailed to Ismery Pavon at ipavon@mdc.edu within seven (7) calendar days after the application deadline.

  • Letters of recommendations should include information relevant to writing, dedication, any relevant strengths, and skills regarding the applicant’s writing, work ethic, and ability to engage with the community.
  • Letters of recommendations can include college professors, mentors, and anyone who can speak for the applicant’s writing, work ethic, skills, and community involvement.
  • Applicants should provide this link to recommenders so they can directly upload their recommendation letter by the deadline:


Miami Book Fair’s Fellowship contests adhere to the Council of Literary Magazines & Presses Contest Code of Ethics as stated below.   

“CLMP’s community of independent literary publishers believes that ethical contests serve our shared goal: to connect writers and readers by publishing exceptional writing. We believe that intent to act ethically, clarity of guidelines, and transparency of process form the foundation of an ethical contest. To that end, we agree to 1) conduct our contests as ethically as possible and to address any unethical behavior on the part of our readers, judges, or editors; 2) to provide clear and specific contest guidelines—defining conflict of interest for all parties involved; and 3) to make the mechanics of our selection process available to the public. This Code recognizes that different contest models produce different results, but that each model can be run ethically. We have adopted this Code to reinforce our integrity and dedication as a publishing community and to ensure that our contests contribute to a vibrant literary heritage.”  

The Miami Book Fair utilizes a double blind review process. Screeners do not know the names of the authors of the submissions they review and each entry is read twice by two different screeners at three levels before the finalists are forwarded to judge for the Fellowship.  The screeners are well-qualified to review the manuscripts. Each must demonstrate a professional background in writing and editing. Miami Book Fair also reviews screeners’ credentials and prefers screeners who have participated as screeners and judges of other writing contests.   

We look forward to reading your work!

Emerging Writer Fellowship Submission for Poetry

List of Application Materials Needed

  • Proposal for manuscript-in-progress
  • Statement of need
  • Manuscript sample
  • CV
  • Recommendation letters (2)

Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts may be submitted starting February 1, 2024, until 11:59 p.m. EST on May 15, 2024. The submission is free. No submissions will be accepted after 11:59 p.m. EST on May 15, 2024.

  • Applicant may apply only once per submission cycle, regardless of genre.
  • Only online submissions are accepted through our submission manager, Submittable. Applicants may verify the receipt of their manuscripts by logging into Submittable.
  • Miami Book Fair assumes no responsibility for manuscripts not received due to user error. Therefore, we encourage you to submit your application early.
  • There is no fee to apply.
  • Aside from the Submittable Cover Page, there should be no identifying information in any of the submitted materials.
  • Academic Nonfiction, Translations, Graphic Narratives, Children’s Literature and Young People’s Literature (including Middle Grade and Young Adult), and Film or Play Scripts are not eligible.

The following materials must be submitted (acceptable files are PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF). There should be no identifying information in any of these materials. Any applications that do not comply with this strict formatting will be immediately disqualified. Application file must include:

  • Proposal to complete a manuscript-in-progress that can be feasibly completed within the year-long fellowship (not to exceed one single-spaced page). Must include synopsis of project. Name the document [PROPOSAL_GENRE_MANUSCRIPT_TITLE]. (example: Proposal_Poetry_Beloved)
  • Statement of need: Tell us why it is important that you receive this fellowship now. Name the document [STATEMENT_GENRE_MANUSCRIPT_TITLE]. (example: Statement_Poetry_Beloved)
  • Sample of manuscript-in-progress (paginated, and with running title of manuscript in header - same as manuscript title listed above): Be sure NOT to include personal identifier in your submission (i.e. First or Last Name).
  • Poetry: 20-30 pages in Times New Roman, single-spaced (unless style requires special formatting)
  • Name the document [GENRE_MANUSCRIPT_TITLE].doc (example: Poetry_Beloved.doc)
  • CV (education, professional experience, full publication list, honors and awards, etc.). Name the document [LASTNAME]_[FIRSTNAME]_CV.doc (example: Smith_Jane_CV.doc)

Applicant must also request that two (2) recommendation letters be submitted online or emailed to Ismery Pavon at ipavon@mdc.edu within seven (7) calendar days after the application deadline.

  • Letters of recommendations should include information relevant to writing, dedication, any relevant strengths, and skills regarding the applicant’s writing, work ethic, and ability to engage with the community.
  • Letters of recommendations can include college professors, mentors, and anyone who can speak for the applicant’s writing, work ethic, skills, and community involvement.
  • Applicants should provide this link to recommenders so they can directly upload their recommendation letter by the deadline:


 Miami Book Fair’s Fellowship contests adhere to the Council of Literary Magazines & Presses Contest Code of Ethics as stated below.

  “CLMP’s community of independent literary publishers believes that ethical contests serve our shared goal: to connect writers and readers by publishing exceptional writing. We believe that intent to act ethically, clarity of guidelines, and transparency of process form the foundation of an ethical contest. To that end, we agree to 1) conduct our contests as ethically as possible and to address any unethical behavior on the part of our readers, judges, or editors; 2) to provide clear and specific contest guidelines—defining conflict of interest for all parties involved; and 3) to make the mechanics of our selection process available to the public. This Code recognizes that different contest models produce different results, but that each model can be run ethically. We have adopted this Code to reinforce our integrity and dedication as a publishing community and to ensure that our contests contribute to a vibrant literary heritage.”

 The Miami Book Fair utilizes a double blind review process. Screeners do not know the names of the authors of the submissions they review and each entry is read twice by two different screeners at three levels before the finalists are forwarded to judge for the Fellowship.

 The screeners are well-qualified to review the manuscripts. Each must demonstrate a professional background in writing and editing. Miami Book Fair also reviews screeners’ credentials and prefers screeners who have participated as screeners and judges of other writing contests.

  We look forward to reading your work!

Miami Book Fair